Saturday, March 3, 2012

"For the Sake of Righteousness"

In this age of internet bloggers, online ministries and podcasts, everyone is filled to capacity with the next great message or the next great move of God. We use these forms of communications to give a perception of our deepness in the things of God. Sometimes we are deep in revelation and sometimes we over dramatize the simple instructions of God. Jesus preached with metaphors and analogies that were relevant to the people being ministered to. Today I feel we have lost the blueprint of ministry.We use our platforms to elevate ourselves and push for our own agendas. Our platforms were never created for self edification but to bring glory to the kingdom of God.

Every FB post I see or every news feed I come in contact with somebody has a new word, somebody has a new revelation on how God feels about homosexuality, lesbianism, abortions, Hip Hop and etc.
There is some pastor or clergymen who has molested a child or who has married a gay couple or who identifies as gay him or herself. Enough is Enough!!! Both sides are wrong and out of order.
God didn’t call you to condemn homosexuals just as God didn’t call you to be a homosexual. God didn’t call you to beat down and beat up pro-choice activists just as He didn’t call us to have abortions. 

 As it relates to the church, all you who declare to be sons and daughters of the true and living God and still faithfully indulge in life style choices not applicable to the scripture God shall strike you down swiftly. It is time to stop bringing mockery to the house and word of God. God is merciful and God is just but do not be deceived God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. If your ministry is not rooted in the word of God and does not edify His kingdom of righteousness and right living then your ministry will be cursed and cast into the lack of fire. If your ministry does not minister to the hearts of His people then your ministry will be uprooted from the foundations of this earth. You churches who practice homosexuality and have pastors who are in same sex marriages and relationships, how dare you preach your lies and corrupt the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

If the prostitute has to change, and the drug dealer has to change and the adulterer has to change then so does the homosexual because in the eyes of God sin is sin and for the wages of sin is death. However we do have free will. That free will gives us as human beings the power to choose. The bible declares that we are to choose this day who we will serve. If you decide to live a life of homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication and etc then that is the choice that you have chosen but please do not use God and His holy scriptures to validate your lifestyle choice. God doesn’t agree with same-sex marriage, just as he doesn’t agree with fornication, adultery, thievery and murder. Just because you find some level of contentment doesn’t mean God created it. Sin did not come from the bosom of the Almighty. For sin is created out of the manifestation of your own lustful desires. So you who hold your signs of Jesus the Christ supporting the gay movement please STOP, its blasphemy and out of order. 

You who hold up your signs of hatred towards homosexuals please STOP, it’s out of order and not of God. God hates no man, God hates none of creations but He does hate the sins we find ourselves in. However out of His dislike for Sin came His gift to all mankind and that is the gift of salvation. For God so ever loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God loves you and Jesus died for you. For love covers a multitude of sins. I beseech you my brothers and my sisters from all walks of life choose life today, turn away and repent from your selfish ways, leave the infatuation of sin, cut the ties of lust and declare your life back into the hands of He who created you. God loves you and He sees your emptiness and He sees the sin that has hardened your heart and blinded your eyes and He is calling you. He is calling out for you, His lost sheep, His prodigal son and daughter, SO STOP, LOOK,  LISTEN AND ACCEPT THE LOVE OF GOD TODAY FOR TOMORROW MAYBE TO LATE!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

“The Enemy Within Me”

We as Believers spend so much of our time studying demonic activity, possession and etc and trying to formulate concepts and ideologies that makes us sound deep that we miss the important foundational concepts needed for our advancement. We blame all mishaps, shortcomings, bad decision makings and bad situations on the devil. We give the devil way more credit that is due to him. We have to understand that the enemy has no power. He isn’t always attacking you or always tempting or causing you harm. In all actuality the person causing the most harm to you is YOU!!!

When Jesus died for our sins he defeated death, hell and the grave, stripping the devil of all of his power and authority. Your bible teaches that when we fall into sin it is because we have been drawn away by the lust and desires of our own flesh or our carnal nature. Your battle is not with the enemy; your battle is with yourself. It took me a while to gain this revelation and it took me going back to sin time after time to understand who the real enemy was.

If I can be honest, it wasn’t the devil who created sex site profiles, it was me, it wasn’t the devil who texted or called old sex partners it was me. It wasn’t the devil who bought and rolled and then smoked that blunt, it was me. It wasn’t the devil who cursed those people out it was me. My point is that we have to take responsibility for our own actions and get down to the root of the problem. We have to gain more self control and self discipline and all of that comes with being obedient to the word and voice of the Lord.
We spend too much to rationalizing and analyzing sin and not enough time listening and comprehending the will, ways and words of God. It was through disobedience that sin was even allowed to manifest. And it is that same disobedience that keeps us bound to our fleshly desires and pushes us farther away from the promises of God for our lives.

Let’s be clear,  if your actions were being controlled by the devil then you would be possessed and having sex would be the least of your problems. There is no way you can be saved and Holy Ghost filled and also be possessed by a demon. Not possible at all.  But that is for another post on another day. The whole purpose of this post was to just to take some time out to encourage and empower you to win the battle between you and yourself…It is time to take back your control and obey the will of the lord.
For a while now God has been calling me to minister and teach the gospel and for a while I have been disobeying. I even ran back to sexual sin just so I can have an excuse of why I wasn’t doing what thus says the Lord. But even in the midst of that God always sent people in my life that I had to minister to. And in the midst of my mess I found myself doing the very thing I was running from. He showed me that the reason behind Him orchestrating those events was so I can know that I wasn’t called because of my perfection or my intellect or my ability to stay holy. I was called because it was what He desired for me. I was called because He had chosen me and set me a part to be His prophet to the nations. So it is not by my strength or my perfection but only by the grace and mercy of the living God.

So my brothers and sisters don’t try and use sin as an excuse to not serve God. Do the will of God for your life and sin will have to be eradicated. Stop feeling guilty and stop feeling sorry for yourself and make it right. I had to repent and get back at the feet of Jesus and except the call and tonight I am about to teach bible study at my church. Is it my desire to sin again, no! Will I ever sin again, probably, but I have the favor of God and His love and mercy to help pick me back up and keep it moving. No longer will I allow the enemy within me to keep me from all God has called me to and I suggest you do the same. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Cry Loud & Spare Not"

I wanted to make sure that my first blog post of the New Year creates a level of accountability for every person who is led to read what God has inspired. I rarely make comments about other’s opinions and ideologies but at the ending of last year there were a lot of media on the concepts of sexuality, religion, salvation and God’s opinion on these subjects. I am usually not the one to argue scripture or correct people but God spoke to me and told me it is time for me to “Cry Loud & Spare Not”.

For too long we have stayed in the shadows and behind the scenes allowing celebritized people to falsely declare tainted unsound Gospel. And try and pawn this false doctrine off as authentic. For too long I have said nothing. But that time is gone. God in all of His existence has never condoned, created or inspired sin. He has always allowed us to utilize our free will to choose whatever lifestyle and way of being we choose. He has never forced His will upon any of us. Yes He has and will always love each and every one of us unconditionally but He has never agreed, created or condoned sin in our lives. We have been drawn away by the lust and desires of our own flesh.

God never said that fornication was okay, or that homosexuality is ok. God has never said that it is ok to be a fornicator, an adulterer or a professed homosexual and also be a pastor, preacher, or teacher of His word. There is no such thing as a gay preacher or a whoring evangelist. Homosexuality as well as fornication as well as masturbation are all forms of sexual sin. Any one indulging in a lifestyle of such and confessing to be a born again Christian is spiritually sick and needs to be delivered from such things. I am by NO means saying God hate the “gays” or sexually loosed persons. For I myself am a product of the loving, saving and delivering grace of Jesus Christ. I myself no how it feels to be isolated because of my lifestyle choices and I myself know that homosexuality was not a lifestyle that God had destined for my life. It caused me so much pain and despair. So I am not saying that homosexuals are abominations and that God hates all people who indentify as such. I am saying that He hates the sin. He loves you but He hates what you do.  For the bible declares that while we were yet sinners God sent His son Jesus to die for us. God has not okayed or agreed to same-sex marriages or abortions. So no preacher called by the Living God should be supporting or even facilitating such unions.


If you choose to live lifestyles according to how you feel, how you think and not according to the will of God then that is your choice and because of free will it is your God given right to choose whom and what you will serve. However it is borderline blasphemy for you to even imply that God created the sin you are in and God condones the sin you are in. Any Christian who believes in the blood saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ believes that the bible is the direct inspired words of God and it makes up the foundation of our faith. And there is no scripture in the bible that supports the foolishness of Ministers, Pastors, Clergymen and women professing to be homosexuals and fornicators and it being ok with God. How dare you build a physical tabernacle inviting a holy God to come and commune with you and your congregation but have it full of sin and degradation? How dare you have a church created to celebrate the lifestyle of homosexuality? How dare you have a church that preaches fornicators, thugs and thieves have to repent to be Saved but it’s ok for an homosexual to be who he/she is. That is not of God and your house shall fall.

In this year you will see the fall of these individuals. The House of Baal shall fall and God is raising up a remnant of believers that will “Cry Loud & Spare Not” and confess the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is time for us to wake up and become unveiled to the reality of who God is and what God does. For the bible says Holiness for without which no man shall see God. Holiness is a lifestyle. A life style of submission to the Spirit of the Living God.  Holiness means you have chosen to die to your will and take on the will of God. The bible teaches us that we have been crucified with Christ meaning that before you were saved you may have been an adulterer and a homosexual or a liar and a thief. You may have indulged in every impulsive act that brought you gratification but those old things are passed away and all things have become new with the newness of life that Christ provides. Paul said it so effectively, “I beseech you therefore brethren to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord.”

If you decide to identify yourself by your carnal nature and indulge in homosexuality, fornication, lesbianism, adultery then that is a choice you have made but do not blame God for your decision, Do not blame God for what you have decided to do and do not justify the sin you are in by trying to manipulate the scriptures and the people of God in an effort to support your cause. Because we do have free will it is up to us to live whatever life we choose to live, however the consequences are real, the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

"The Power of the Process"

It’s been over 3 weeks since I wrote my last blog. My birthday was yesterday and I began to hear God speaking through different people who He had placed in my life to celebrate this day with me. They began to minister to me and encourage me to keep on the road to my destiny. Then today a Facebook friend of mine reached out to me for prayer because she was suicidal.

As I began to minister to her and counsel her I began to get a revelation on our issues in life and on our mental processes. We have to understand that there is a process to purpose. And in that process you have to gain the characteristic or discipline of accountability. So many things take place in our life. People intentionally hurt us, they abuse us, and they steal, kill and even attempt to destroy us.

Our ex’s stalk us and threaten to take our lives, our spouses cheat on us, our friends betray us and even our parents and guardians abuse us. We allow the effects of those incidents to cripple and hinder us from moving forward. We blame our shortcomings and bad decision making on our absentee fathers or our abusive mothers. We never hold ourselves accountable for our actions.

I was a victim of child hood molestation from 6 years old until I was about 16 years of age. I struggled with low self esteem, sexual identity issues, masturbation and etc. I have since been saved and delivered but for the past month I have been stuck in a vicious cycle of sexual sin. As a result I started blaming my current situation on my past abuse. It wasn’t my fault that I was back in sexual sin, it was my uncle’s fault, it was my abuser’s fault, and it was my Pastors’ fault for not calling and checking up on me. I was wrong. No one forced me to return back, no one held me up at gun point. I went back because I was weak. I went back because I decided to. I went back because it was easier than fighting the loneliness that I was feeling. I went back because the process to my purpose became too intense. I went back because I doubted who I was in God. I went back because of me.

In that moment I realized I needed accountability. I needed to stop being a victim and actually start being a victor. Yes those bad things happened to us. Yes they scared us and left residue but they have no power over us unless we allow them to. Some wounds leave scares and marks that won’t ever disappear but they can be worn with confidence and as a symbol of survival. As I was counseling the young lady she started to tell me how she needed a husband and someone to love her so she could survive and deal with life.

Then I realized hey, this sounds like me. I have said so many times I need a wife so this struggle can be over. I need a wife so I can deal with this loneliness. Then the revelation hit me. We don’t marry to fill voids. We don’t get into friendships and have children to fill voids. We marry to create a new life, we marry to create a new entity, we marry to celebrate our wholeness, and we marry because we are complete. We have children because we have too much love to contain within ourselves so we have to pass it on to new life. We create friendships to share our lives and love with others.

We can’t be broken and get married. We can’t be broken and have children. We can’t be broken have meaningful friendships. That’s why we have to go through the process to gain our purpose and position. We have to learn to love ourselves and learn to be content with being alone. We have to work on becoming a whole person before we can share a life with another. Esther went through a year process of preparation before she was even introduced to the king. Ruth was gleaming in the garden when Boaz first saw her. These stories from scripture tell me that we have to be working in our purpose and make it through our process before we can be positioned to access our prosperity. So join me on the process, let’s repent and go back to the throne of our Father and get back into our process. Let’s allow Jesus to truly heal those hurt and dry places in our lives. Let’s start loving ourselves. Let’s overcome loneliness together so that we won’t be strayed away by every form of intimacy that the enemy sends our way. Let’s wait patiently while being submitted to God’s process to prepare us for our predestined purpose. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Living but Dying"

I was very hesitant to write this blog because once again I would be allowing myself to become transparent to all of you. For fear of being a letdown to you guys I hesitated, then I remembered my promise to my loyal readers and my brothers and sisters in Christ and that is to always be transparent so that my shortcomings can be used as tools of your deliverance and weapons in your battles to overcome.  

As I lay there, violated by my weakness to allow myself to go back to sexual sin, my memories began to flood my mind and my emotions become more and more salient. While he was touching me, I felt violated, I felt uncomfortable but I didn’t ask him to stop. As his advances intensified my disgust grew and my spirit grieved and my mind and spirit cried out stop but I never told him to. I laid there, I allowed him to continue and continue and when it was over I was paralyzed. The condemnation set in. The disappointment set in. The disgust set in. As he sat across from me witnessing my plethora of emotions and my state of disgust, foolishly he asked was I ok, like it was something he had done.

I thought to myself, no it’s all on me. This is my fight that I forfeited. This is my rope that I hung myself with. I had the chance to erase the text. I had the chance to not resend my address. I had the chance to not open the door and to just say no but I didn’t.

I am saved, delivered, set free and an uprising influential author, I write about deliverance, I tweet and post statuses about deliverance and here I am laying in my bed of sin. Here I am back to where I started, but how.  How did this happen to me?

Then reluctant, naked and ashamed, I picked myself up and embarrassingly stumbled back into the arms of Jesus. Once again I was asking for forgiveness for something I had been delivered and set free from. I truly felt like a dog going back to his own vomit.  Then I realized I am empty. There is no residue left. I have no gas in the tank. I am spiritually on “E”.

See my friends in the natural we are forever accessing knowledge through our experiences and teachings. That knowledge fuels our decision making and behavior. What we read, see and experience create how we act, react and live in our society. See I was feeding my flesh.  My humanly nature was being edified and taken care of but I was starving my spirit. I wasn’t reading my bible. Because of work I had been missing church, missing my weekly feeding. I wasn’t praying like before, missing my communion with God, furthering myself from His presence and starving myself spiritually all the while indulging myself naturally. 

 Understand that our spiritual flesh controls our natural flesh and that our spiritual flesh operates off of the words of this world. The concepts, ideas, beliefs and attitudes we are socialized to have gives our spiritual flesh the power it needs to control us. For example, if you see or read about some type of sexual encounter, it fuels your spiritual flesh and a thought is formulated in your mind, then that thought is then acted out and manifested through your natural flesh. This same model applies to the Spirit of God that lives within you and the word of God.

The Spirit of God doesn’t move based upon your needs and what you say, the Spirit of God moves to bring to manifestation what the word of God has professed. In the book of Genesis your bible said that the Spirit of the Lord moved across the waters and then God spoke and there was. See the Spirit of God is always moving and ready to operate in according to what the word commands. It wasn’t until God spoke that things were formed.  It wasn’t until God said let us make man in our own image that the Spirit of God reacted and created the breathe of life that was used to create man. See man wasn’t created in the image of God through clay or dirt. Because God isn’t made of clay or dirt, God isn’t flesh. Man’s spirit is the image of God. The clay or dirt was just the vessel used to house the Spirit of God so that God could be able to send Jesus to save the world. See God is all knowing, he is omniscient and omnipresent. This means He knew Adam would fall and bring damnation to our species. See God had already had a plan to send Jesus, that’s why and how He orchestrated the lineage of Christ.

Your bible says greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. That scripture means that the Spirit of God that lives within you has the capacity and authority that supercedes anything that is wordly or created by the prince of the air or your spiritual flesh. With this revelation I realized my issue was that it wasn’t any word in me to activate the Spirit of God within me.

See I was lacking intimacy with the Father; he had not been able to pour into my spirit. He had not been able to strengthen me; He had not been able to make me sensitive to His moves and His ways of escape. I was so caught up with the things of this world. I was so caught up with my fleshly desires. When I say fleshly desires I am not always talking about things we view as sinful or evil. Fleshly desires can be obtaining more money or status, obtaining an education, a relationship, a family or a hobby. See the way we think, react and live in this natural world all initially come from our fleshly desires.

I had been feeding my flesh, giving it the word of the world, which activated my appetites and my desires. So when the opportunity presented itself, I fell for it. It was because I had no word in me to activate the Spirit of God within me, to lift up the standard against the enemy to keep me free from sin. See you can’t fight flesh with flesh. You can’t overcome your sinful desires through your own will because your own will comes from your natural manifestations of your fleshly desires. So you have to allow the Spirit of God to speak to your spiritual flesh and bring it under subjection. This happens by becoming one with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God isn’t activated by your words or instructions; the Spirit of God brings to pass what the word of God decrees and declares. So in order for us to be victorious we need to fuel ourselves with the word of the living God so that when the tempter comes the Spirit of the Lord will be able to operate on our behalf and lift up a standard against him. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Power of the Butterfly Effect

The life of a Butterfly provides deep revelational insight into the life of a believer. I believe that God created certain aspects of nature to give us natural knowledge that unlocks spiritual truths about who we are in God.  Sometimes spiritual things are too deep for us to digest because we are still on milk when God is trying to give us meat.  As I was sitting at the table and talking with my spiritual parents about some of my trials my spiritual mother mentioned something about the butterfly effect.

See the butterfly in all its beauty, uniqueness and majesty doesn’t start of so majestic. In fact, the butterfly starts off as a slimy, slow, inadequate, weak caterpillar that is at the beckon of nature’s call. The caterpillar’s life is always in danger; it never has a moment without some type of distress because it’s weak, young and vulnerable. But then something magnificent happens. The season changes and the timing is just right and the caterpillar finds itself wrapped in a cocoon of metamorphosis where it is being transformed into the creature it was destined to become.

Throughout all the bumps in the road, the unstableness of the wind, the rainy days, and the cold nights nothing could have stopped the caterpillar’s season of metamorphosis to come. It is its destiny to be transformed into something greater.

So it is in the natural, it is in the spiritual realm as well. In your bible, Jesus told Nicodemus unless a man is born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Meaning unless a man is transformed from his old state and reborn into his new state then he cannot be in right relationship with the Father and consequently cannot be transformed into who he was destined to become.

See when God saved you it was your season, your timing to be wrapped in the cocoon called the Holy Spirit. Inside that wrapping, the Holy Spirit initiated your metamorphosis; He changed your mindset, your behavior, your thought process, and your desires. He gave you strength where you were weak and covered you were you were naked and vulnerable. Yes you started off like the slimy caterpillar, held captive by the dictates of the world, your environment and circumstances but your season came.

See the bible says that a man must be born of water and of the Spirit.  To be born of water means to be born from your mother’s womb (naturally). Before any child is born there is a breaking of water.  To be born of the Spirit means to be reborn by the metamorphosis and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. See at salvation is where you were wrapped in your cocoon and then in due time, the walls of your cocoon cracked and emerged was a totally different entity. Your look was different, your smell was different, and your genetic makeup was different. No longer were you weak, frail, ugly and vulnerable. You emerged a new creature in Christ, old things were passed away and all things had become new.

When the butterfly first emerges from the cocoon it has to get used to its new identity, it has to learn to operate in its new destiny. When it attempts to fly, it’s take off is a little shaky, it’s strength is a little limited but as it goes through the process of understanding who it is, it gains its strength, it gains its momentum and finally it stretches it’s wings and illuminated by the sun, its’ marvelous new identity is seen by all of nature.

See when you first stepped out of your cocoon. You were shocked at the new you, you were a little shaky, a little limited in power but as you went and go through the processes of life and build your momentum in the things of God you became and become more and more confident in who you are and you begin to stretch your wings and eventually, the glory of who you have become will be illuminated by the Son of the living God (Jesus) and can be seen by all of nature and that my friend is the Power of the Butterfly Effect!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Power of Prayer

For the bible says that will prayer let your request be made unto the Lord and that the effectual prayers of the righteous achieve much.

There is indeed pure power on the pit of your prayer. Prayer was given to us by our Father so that we could have a direct line of communication to commune with him. Prayer goes across denominations, racial lines and geographical regions to meet the need of the person giving intercession. Prayer can go where your phone can't reach, where your car can't drive. Prayer can do what your money can't and your influence won't. Prayer is the supernatural weapon functioning out of the will and submission of our supernatural spirits, through our natural vessels, to bring about a supernatural change from the spirit realm which effects and initiates change in the natural.

Prayer isn't just a ritualistic thing that religious people do. Prayer is your life line, your survival kit, it's your first-aid. Many of us only use it when we find ourselves in life threatening and freedom taking situations. We only use prayer as a way to petition God for something when we are in need ,but prayer is so much more than a means of petioning or requesting a blessing. Prayer to God is equivalent to a facebook status, a tweet, a text message, a phone call or an email, it is a way for you and I to talk to our Father and tell Him all about what's been going on and to also find out what's going on in His realm as well.

Prayer, when it's done right, and effectively, has the power to transform, recreate, reform and renew any person, place or thing. Prayer is the power behind your protection, your purpose, your prosperity and your power. It was prayer that gave Jesus the extra strength to make it to the cross, it was prayer that allowed God to go into the fiery furnace with the three Hebrew boys, it was prayer that set Paul and Silas free. It was prayer from the mouth of the Prophet Elijah that shut and opened the heavens from raining. It was prayer that covered the houses of the children of Israel when the angel of death came by on it's mission.

Prayer is so powerful and potent that the disciples asked Jesus how do we prayer and His response was simple but yet it has been taken out of context. When Jesus replied with the Lord's Prayer His plan wasn't for us to memorize the words verbatim but to understand the strategy behind each word. The disciples asked HOW TO PRAY, NOT WHAT TO PRAY.......

The revelation behind that is to first give thanks and honor to God your Father, praise and worship Him for who He is to you, then ask for grace and mercy and forgiveness of what you have done against His will, then make your request be made according to the will of God which means you pray with the power of His will and Word behind you because the enemy doesn't run or retreat based upon your words but he recognizes the words of the Living God.  For the bible says that when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Spirit of the Lord is His Word. Lastly seal it, stamp it and mail it in the name of Jesus for Jesus said whatsoever you ask in My name my Father in heaven is just to honor it.

The bible teaches us that the power of life and death are in the tongue and that's because the power of prayer lies in your tongue. All the power you need to defeat the enemy is already in you. Your anointing is activated by the words you speak, God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones and once he spoke they were revived.

So my brothers and sisters your answers to your prayers are ironically in your prayers!!!!!